At the southern coast, in the port of Galle, Prudential Shipping offers an off-port limit (OPL) launch service or Ship Supply Service. Conveniently and strategically located on the East-West main shipping routes, (the location is close to Dondra) Galle is an ideal location for Ship Supply Services.
We offer crew changes, emergency evacuation of personnel, transfer of spares / provisions, embarking and disembarking of superintendents / repair teams, and many more support services needed by vessels.
Our launch services are offered on a 24-hour basis, throughout 365 days. Our current launches based at the Port of Galle have a carrying capacity for 15 to 25 passengers and a deck capacity for about 4 MT of cargo with an operational speed of around 10 to 12 knots.
Vessels can be serviced at inner anchorage and / or at mid ocean within 10 to 15 miles off shore. Vessels do not have to anchor and the service can be provided whilst still underway.
